Here at New Destiny Trust (UK) we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer fundraising activities and provide you with information for New Destiny Centre in Brazil. We only hold private data of supporters who have requested information from us or help us raise money for New Destiny Centre in Brazil.
What information is being collected?
We will use your name and email address for general correspondence, for example in our Prayer News and General Update Lists. The private information we hold for this purpose is provided by the individual. At the point of signing up, we explain how we will use this data.
For individuals or groups who have donated to New Destiny Trust we will keep names, addresses, telephone, email contact information and bank details.
Private information may be contained in emails to and from individuals, our email accounts are cloud based and the servers are located and backed-up in the EU.
The New Destiny Centre has a social media page (Facebook) where individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. New Destiny Centre in Brazil can remove people from this page if requested in writing.
Who is collecting it?
All UK data is gathered, processed and deleted by New Destiny Trust UK Board Members. Some team members at New Destiny Centre in Brazil will have access to newsletter / prayer data to post updates and news from the Centre itself. This is limited to names and email addresses.
How is it collected?
We gather names and email addresses submitted from our website, details on printed material and talks / fund-raising events. We can also gather this information submitted in emails or telephone calls directly to us.
Why is it being collected?
Our basis for collecting, processing, storing and deleting private information is for legitimate basis for fundraising and raising awareness of the New Destiny Centre in Brazil.
How will it be used?
We will use your private information to process financial transactions and / or provide you with prayer news or contact details. We will not use your private information in the content of our newsletters to our subscribers.
Our files are stored with cloud-based providers in the EU and any local computer used to process data has current End Point Protection enabled. Anyone processing personal information is aware of Private Data and the need to protect it.
Our Prayer newsletter is prepared at the New Destiny Centre in Brazil and uploaded to a cloud-based mailing service. Our Mailing List Private Information is not stored in Brazil, it resides in the EU cloud based solution.
Who will it be shared with?
We will not pass on your information to third parties who are not connected with New Destiny Trust or the Centre in Brazil.
We will not sell your data on to third parties.
Anyone providing donations, we will use bank account information in order to process financial transactions with our UK bank account. We also provide financial details to our accountants for annual legal requirements.
We use and for online donations who also comply with the General Data Protection Regulations as our data processors.
We use an online data processing service (Mail Chimp) to send out regular prayer news and updates to supporters.
How long do we will keep personal data?
Our prayer list and news update list are held online. Any subscribers can unsubscribe from the list at anytime but clicking on links on every email we send. Once unsubscribed, the data is then removed from our list and deleted. We can also remove details should someone make this request in email or writing to us.
Financial records and details are kept for seven years, this is a requirement of UK Law.
Further information or comments?
If you would like further information regarding our privacy policy, please contact Morven